‘Tis the season for fraud, so always remember, NEVER give out your personal information by email, text, phone. St. Francis X will never contact you and ask you for any personal security or account information.The Credit Union will never call, email or text you to ask for your card number, account number or any other personal information. If you are unsure of who you’re speaking with, please call the Credit Union to confirm. We will be closed Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
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Money Market Checking

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A new take on checking.

We wanted to offer our members an interest-bearing checking account. And, we wanted the rates we pay to be higher than average. The solution? We combined the convenience of our fee-free checking account with the robust rate of return of our Money Market Savings, and the result is Money Market Checking*. You can still write checks and make withdrawals, plus you’ll get these additional tremendous benefits:


Annual Interest Yield (APY) is earned by keeping a minimum daily average of $5,000 or more in the account.

Welcome to the neighborhood. You can open your Money Market Checking Account online. Or feel free to drop by any convenient branch or give us a call if you have questions. We’re looking forward to showing you what makes us truly unique.