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Quicken® & Quickbooks®

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Think Quick.

Quicken® and Quickbooks® are two of the most well-known and powerful money management tools available. Quicken® is great for personal finances, while Quickbooks® is arguably the “gold standard” for business financial management.

With Quicken® you’ll be able to:

  • See everything in one place. You can connect to more than 14,000 financial institutions and download all your banking and credit card transactions, as well as balances.
  • Analyze where your money is going. Your transactions are automatically categorized. You’ll see a breakdown of your spending instantly just by connecting your accounts—no manual entry required.
  • Create a personalized budget. Make a monthly plan that works for you and review your progress throughout each month.
  • Pay and track your bills. See what you’ve paid and project future bill payments by directly connecting to more than 11,000 billers.

With Quickbooks® you can:

  • Organize all of your finances in one place. If you have an accountant, you’ll be able to share your books for seamless collaboration.
  • Connect to your financial accounts to automatically import and categorize transactions.
  • Sync with popular apps so you can snap photos of your receipts and store them.
  • Create a powerful invoicing system with custom reminders, tracking and even direct payment of invoices via ACH or credit cards.
  • Generate dozens of reports—past, present and projected—for virtually every financial aspect of your business.

To access either, login to Online Banking, go to the “Account Balance” section, then click on “Download” for whichever software you’d like to use.

Welcome to the neighborhood. If there is anything else you’d like to know about Quicken® or Quickbooks®, feel free to drop by any convenient branch or give us a call. We’re looking forward to showing you what makes us truly unique.