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St. Francis X FCU Adopts New Field of Membership

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St. Francis X FCU Adopts New Field of Membership

Jun 11, 2018

We now have a community charter!  Most anyone in our community can now join, effective immediately!

Our new field of membership allows anyone who lives, works, worships, regularly conducts business or attends school in Emmet, Charlevoix or Cheboygan counties to join!

So if you are a traveling nurse or hospital employee, a summer resident, attend any church, are a school teacher or a student, in any of the three counties, you can be a member!  (The list certainly does not stop there!)  Stop into any of our branches or give us a call at 231.348.7690 to learn more.

If you're ready to get started, you can become a member online right now. Or feel free to stop by any convenient branch or give us a call at 231.348.7690, or toll-free at 866.890.3670.